『星の王子さま』フランス語原題:Le Petit Princeは、フランス人の飛行士・小説家アントワーヌ・ド・サン=テグジュペリの小説で、1943年にアメリカで出版。その後200以上の国と地域の言葉に翻訳され、世界中でベストセラー
”Le plus important est invisible ”
【場所】 目黒中町アトリエポム
【会費】7,000円 (フード4品+南仏ビオのグラスワイン4種)要予約
“It is only with the heart that one can see rightly
Whate is essential is invisible to the eye”
Born in 1943 in New York , The Little Prince is a worldwide Publishing Phenomenon.
The Little Prince is a philosophical tale, with humanist values, shared from one generation to another for more than 75 years. Creating bonds between generations, men and continents.
In the middle of the Sahara Desert, a stranded aviator meets the Little Prince, a young boy from a small, far away asteroid, and a dreamlike journey unfolds across a universe. A rose, a sheep, and an array of unusual adults on their own small planets.
This classic novel written by french writter, poet and pioneering aviator, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, reminds us of the power of innocence and boundless love.
The Chef Pénélope Barboza (former chef of Tokyo Argentinia Embassy and now Chef at ANA Continental Hotel) will elaborate a 3 courses dinner full of surprises and inspired by this treasured tale.
With the participation of Durian Sukegawa, poet, writer and clown and translater. As a screenwriter, he founded the Society of Screaming Poets in 1990, whose performances combined poetry reading and punk music.
He is the author of many novels and essays. “Sweet bean paste” is his first book translated into French and English. It was adapted for the cinema by Naomi Kawase in 2015.
He also translated the book “The Little Prince” in Japanese and will share with us during the evening his passion for this story and Antoine de Saint Exupéry’s life.
An other evening of magic for aVin’s 4th collaboration dinner associating Gastronomy and Art!
7000円 including: four courses and four glasses of bio wines from Rhône&Provence.
At Studio Pom, Meguro,
Booking: info@avin.jp