著:コリーヌ・ルフォール(Corinne Lefort)
今日、彼らの作品は専門家によって再評価されつつありますが、同じく一般の愛好家たちも特にブドウ畑が広がる風景画に関心があるようです。画家、グラフィックアーティストのイヴ・ブライヤー(1907-1990)が地中海の自然を描いた作品は、ボー・ドゥ・プロヴァンス美術館で展示されています。険しい自然の環境を見つめる彼の特異な視点が表された作品「Paysage de Provence, la vigne en hiver 」(プロヴァンスの風景 冬のブドウ畑)は2016年7月10日にドルオの街で4000ユーロ(約50万円)の値がつきました。
– La Revue de Vin de France n°606 2016/11 記事抜粋
著:コリーヌ・ルフォール(Corinne Lefort)
翻訳 橋井杏
Les vendangeurs au puits, Saint-Tropez, 1921, de Charles Camoin (1879-1965)
Huile sur toile, 65*81cm
Prix:25 500 euros
Galerie David Pluskwa, 304, roue Paradis, 13008 Marseille
Tel:06 72 50 57 31
ローヌ&プロヴァンスワインの店 aVin(アヴァン)
Silvacane Abbey- La Roque d’Anthéron. -A Cistercian example-2017/5/20
Silvacane Abbey- La Roque d’Anthéron.
-A Cistercian example-
With its “sister houses”, Le Thoronet and Sénanque, Silvacane is one of the three Cistercian abbeys in provence. It was in about 1144 that monks from Morimond setled on the banks of the Durance, on a desolate and marshy site that gave its name to the monastery-Silva cana, the forest of reeds. Guillaume de la Roque and Raymond des Baux provided the first land, then the seigniorial families of the district made further gifts of land. In 1175, Bertrand des Baux undertook the construction of the church in which he was to be buried. The 12th and 13th centuries marked the spiritual and economic blossoming of the abbey, which, in 1188, in turn founded Valsainte abbey. Its decline began in the late 13th century. Foloowing the conflict, still remembered, with Montmajour abbey, Silvacane was not spared by the civil disorder, natural disasters, the Hundred Years War and the general collapse of law and order. Annexed to the cathedral chapter of Aix-en-Provence in about 1443, its status was to be reduced to that of a dependency. It became a national asset during the Revolution and was converted into an agricultural holding. The church was purchased by the state in 1845 and restored by Revoil, then Formigé, architects of historic buildings. The whole estate was acquired by the State in 1945. Recent excavations have revealed the site of its subsidiary buildings.
The Silvacane abbey is hosting from 15th of April until 28th of May the contemporary art exhibition, “Le Monde”, of the visual artist Jean-Baptiste Audat,
On May 20th the National Dance Ballet of Marseille will present two of its creations at the Abbey.
The town of La Roque d’Antheron is also the scene of the renowned International piano festival from July 21st to August 19th.
文:オリヴィエ・プシエ Olivier Poussier
2000年度 世界最優秀ソムリエコンクール優勝者
例えば、Domaine de la Janasse ドメーヌ・ドゥ・ジャナスの Cotes du Rhone コート・デュ・ローヌ2014年はいかがでしょうか。
Domaine du Marcel Richaud ドメーヌ・ドゥ・マルセル・リショー の Cairanne Blanc ケランヌ・ブラン2015年に対しては、厳しい口の中のチェックも少し寛容になってしまうようです。クレレット35%、ブールブーラン31%、残りの割合をルーサンヌ、ヴェルメンティーノ、ヴィオニエ、グルナッシュ・ブラン、マルサンヌが占めます。このキュベと日本の餃子のもつ強い味わいは相性の良いこと請け合いです。
オリヴィエ・プシエ Olivier Poussier
2000年度 世界最優秀ソムリエコンクール優勝者
– La Revue de Vin de France n°606 2016/11 記事抜粋
翻訳 橋井杏
ローヌ&プロヴァンスワインの店 aVin(アヴァン)
Northern Rhône 北ローヌ2017/5/16
Salagon, Musée et Jardins- Mane, Alpes de Haute-Provence2017/5/15
Salagon, Musée et Jardins- Mane, Alpes de Haute-Provence
Salagon is a unique site located in Mane, near Forcalquier, in the middle of Haute-Provence and the Luberon. Made up of a priory which is a listed historical monument and 6 ha of gardens, Salagon is steeped in history, culture and know-how. The museum is managed by the Conseil départemental des Alpes de Haute-Provence.
Salagon is an ethnological Museum which introduces the general public to the links that Man has woven locally with his environment. Its collection includes objects which tell the story of rural life in Haute-Provence. Salagon is listed as an Ethnopôle (ethnocluster) for the quality of its scientific research on the “know-how of nature”.
The 1700 species of plants grown in the five themed gardens of Salagon illustrate the relationships between society in Haute-Provence and its plant environment. Listed a Remarkable Garden, Salagon is an open-air manual which is an aesthetic creation, a teaching tool and a place of conservation for plants and know-how.
The popular and village plants garden
This small garden brings together the basic plants used by society in Haute-Provence, the flora of towns and villages, domestic gardens, roadsides, cultivated fields and fallow pasture. These are the plants people see on the journeys they make day to day: between the stable and the pasture, and between the house and the school or wood.
This is where people gathered first-aid remedies and also field salad leaves and other wild vegetables. This is where children built new playthings each day. This is where older people passed on their knowledge, by both showing and telling.
The medieval garden
This garden is inspired by illuminated manuscripts, treatises on agriculture and medieval pharmacopoeia. It tells the story of plants in Western Europe before the discovery of the New World.
It is laid out in three major zones: the kitchen garden (plants grown for food), medicinal squares, the floral garden and the secret garden near the fountain.
A range of cereals (rye and wheat, spelt and millets) are used to make bread, groats and porridge. Pulses are rich in protein and are an important source of nutrition.
In the medicinal squares, five beds relate to the five medieval pathology and pharmacopoeia groups from the old classifications.
After the rose pergola, flowers used to decorate the altar are grouped together in the flower garden, together with plants used in weaving and dyeing. The other side of the fountain, in the secret garden, are the highly poisonous plants, from the days when medicine and magic were inextricably linked.
The modern garden is a journey through modern flora. It helps visitors understand the origins and history of vegetables, fruit and flowers, during the period when society moved slowly from a hunter-gatherer system to agriculture. It explains the role of plants in the progress made by societies, around the basic pairings of cereals and civilisations.
Each species in the garden links a continent and civilisations to the plants that helped it grow and develop:
Europe and the Mediterranean basin (wheat, vines, olive trees, etc.)
Sub-Saharan Africa (sorghum and millets, papyrus, etc.)
Asia (rice, citrus fruits, spices, etc.)
The Americas (maize, cucurbita, beans, etc.)
The fragrance garden
This is the latest of Salagon’s gardens. The five sensory trails designed to awaken your sense of smell function all year round. To help you get the most out of the experience, pictograms are used to indicate which part of the plant produces the fragrance – leaf, flower, root, wood, sap, fruit or resin.
In the fragrance garden you can learn how to recognise odours and describe them in words, how a perfume is composed (with the three registers: top, heart and base notes) and explore the botany of scent with a wide range of aromatic plants. Meet some odours, both good and bad, from day-to-day life, with plants that smell of garlic sausage, fish, popcorn, sweets, bins, tyres and bleach.
The grapevine: planted for teaching purposes, this grapevine presents about 50 grapes varieties relating to ancient or modern practices about vine in Provence.
Permanent exhibitions: Salagon, the whole story,,,
Tells you the story of the 2000 years of the priory of Salagon.
Temporary exhibitions: Terre du milieu, terre ouverte ( The middle-land, an open-land), 1st March- 8th October
Haute-Provence has been since the Middle Ages a passage between Italy and France. Even though the region was once emptied of its population, it now attracts new waves of inhabitants in a quest for a different life style.
Terrestre ( Terrestrial- landscapes): art works by Piotr Klemensiewicz, 14th April- 17th September
Le prieuré 04300 Mane
Phone : +33 (0)4 92 75 70 50
February/March/April 10am-6pm
May>September 10am-7pm
October/15 December 10am-6pm