Domaine du Gros’ Noré (ドメーヌ デュ グロノレ)は2017年6月に20周年を迎えました。
ゲストの中には、アメリカのインポーター・ディストリビューター、“Adventures on the Wine Route”の著者でもあるカーミット・リンチさんの姿も。彼はフランスでのワイン産業への貢献が評価され、フランス政府からの文化勲章も受章されており、彼もまた私たちと同じく南仏ラバーのひとりです!
Merci !
Bravo Alain Pascal!
Domaine du Gros’ Noré 20th anniversary party- 10th of June- and vertical tasting from the first vintage 1997 to 2016.
Alain Pascal is a man of passion, for his land and his wine.
In a moving speech, unprepared but coming directly from his heart he thanked during this generous and beautiful evening all the important people present on his side everyday, his brother, nephew, daughter and longtime friends who has been helping him to question and think about wine-making process and philosophy for the past twenty years. Among them Kermit Lynch, renowned retailer, distributor, and national importer also the author of Adventures on the Wine Route which won the Veuve Clicquot Wine Book of the Year award. Winner of the James Beard Foundation’s “Wine Professional of the Year”, and Chevalier de l’Ordre de Mérite Agricole medal presented by the French government for his service to the wine industry.
Alain Pascal loves more than anything to host and entertain guests and friends, to share the products of his hunts and the food he loves. On this warm evening of June and very special occasion he didn’t do things by halves. Skewers of wild boar and sheep cooked in the courtyard, tons of mussels steamed with herbs and garlic, grilled Corsican dried sausage “figatelli”, plates of cheese and fruits from local producers. And the wines! Guests being lucky enough to be able to try 20 vintages on the same evening, from the very first 1997 to the year 2016.
With also a live Jazz band and a beautiful clear sky the 350 guests and friends more than appreciated being part of this celebration of twenty years of constant, relentless and passionate work!
Merci and bravo Alain Pascal!